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中国的地区企业进入与退出关联研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
企业的进入退出存在显著的前后关联,关联机制可以分解为竞争效应与乘数效应。本文探讨了1998-2013年间中国制造业企业的空间格局演化过程,发现地级市尺度的企业动态存在明显的时空关联。16年间,企业动态空间格局发生了剧烈演变,逐渐表现出同类型地区集聚现象。利用差分GMM的动态面板模型验证了企业动态在时间上的前后依赖关系。前期的进入与退出对本期企业动态有不同的影响,竞争效应决定企业的进入,乘数效应决定企业的退出。前期企业动态对后期进入的影响会立即显现出来并随时间衰减,而对退出的影响则存在明显滞后效应,在两年之后达到峰值。同时,产业动态关联机制存在显著的空间差异,其中东部地区显示出更强的竞争效应。不同发展水平的地区应采取差别化的政策来指导地区的产业发展,实现产业更新、结构升级和区域经济的可持续发展。东部地区应建立企业准入门槛,降低低效企业退出壁垒;西部地区应该积极吸引新企业进入,并保护在位企业,防止企业退出导致的连锁性萧条。  相似文献   
The application of a regeneration procedure for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating requires that the dose-response curve (DRC) of a natural sample is the same as that of a laboratory-generated one. However, the build-up of the laboratory-generated DRCs of quartz has been widely reported in the literature, i.e., the laboratory-generated DRCs are significantly higher than the natural counterparts in the high dose region (above 150 or 200 Gy). This results in severe underestimation of equivalent dose (De) for quartz OSL in the high dose region during the application of a single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. However, the potential mechanism governing the build-up of the laboratory-generated DRC is still unclear. In this study, we performed a comprehensive investigation of the natural and laboratory-generated OSL signals and DRCs using a kinetic model for quartz. We compared the differences in charge concentrations between natural and laboratory-irradiated aliquots following irradiation and monitored the competition for holes and electrons during preheat and stimulation, for the natural, regenerative, and test dose cycles. In the course of the modelling, we could see the build-up of laboratory-generated DRCs, the underestimation of De, and a double exponential saturation characteristic of the DRCs. We demonstrated a discrepancy in competition for electrons in the deep electron trap and recombination centres during stimulation between the natural, regenerative, and test dose cycles. The simulation results are directly relevant to quartz OSL De determination using the SAR protocol and reveal the mechanisms responsible for the experimentally observed different behaviours between natural and laboratory-generated DRCs.  相似文献   
中美两国之间激烈的贸易竞争不仅集中在双边贸易领域,而且延伸为全球市场范围内的博弈。尤其在中国周边地区,厘清两国贸易影响力此消彼长的竞争态势,对维护中国的经济安全与发展具有重要现实意义。基于1996—2017年国家间商品贸易数据,利用时间约束聚类识别中国及周边地区贸易发展的阶段,构建贸易网络对比各阶段中美两国在中国周边地区的贸易发展及影响力变化。研究发现:①1996—2017年间中国及周边地区贸易呈三阶段跳跃式发展,贸易规模不断扩大。②中国在周边地区贸易的总体规模和覆盖程度均超越美国,中国在周边地区贸易收支中普遍存在日益扩大的顺差,而美国在中国周边地区始终保持着稳定大量的贸易逆差。③中国在周边地区的贸易影响力实现了对美国的赶超,中国的出口影响力优势突出,而美国仍旧拥有不俗的进口影响力。④中国与日本的贸易呈阶段式跳跃发展,而美国与日本始终保持着稳定的贸易联系。中国同日本在机电产品上的垂直型产业内贸易发达,但处于产业分工下游的相对不利地位,美国是日本的机电制成品和运输设备等高端产品的最终消费市场。研究结果对于中国维护周边地区经贸合作的稳定与发展和应对美国的冲击有所启示。  相似文献   
该文总结了旅游地空间竞争的层次、形式与影响因素。以其为理论基础,提出地区旅游业可从3方面积极应对外部竞争环境,即合理确定旅游资源开发价值与开发方向、与相邻地区旅游协作和提高地区旅游竞争力,并针对每方面提出了具体的策略和建议。以与天柱山、天堂寨相邻的岳西县为例,分析该县内外风景区之间现实和潜在的空间竞争关系,阐述岳西县旅游业需要采取的竞争策略组合。  相似文献   
世界能源贸易网络的演化特征与能源竞合关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
何则  杨宇  刘毅  金凤君 《地理科学进展》2019,38(10):1621-1632
详尽地探讨全球能源贸易网络的演化特征及国际贸易的竞合关系,可为中国能源贸易政策的制定提供科学支撑。论文运用复杂网络方法,从整体格局出发研究了世界能源贸易网络的演化特征,并重点从供给与需求两方面分析了贸易集团演化与供需大国的能源竞合关系。研究结果表明:20世纪90年代以来,世界能源贸易关系不断趋于复杂化。近年来,能源贸易主体数量基本保持稳定,当前占世界总数近80%的国家/地区均参与能源贸易;世界能源贸易网络同时具有小世界特性与无标度特性;世界能源的进出口格局已发生重塑,能源的出口重心逐渐由东亚、中东、澳洲和欧洲转向了东欧、中东、北美、澳洲和西非等地区,进口重心由东亚、西欧和澳洲向北美、东亚和西欧转移;世界能源贸易网络存在四大集团,分别是以美国为首的贸易集团、欧洲-俄罗斯等国家贸易集团、东亚-东南亚贸易集团和澳大利亚-印度-非洲贸易集团等。地理距离、制度差异、历史文化及政治关系等是贸易集团演化的重要原因;贸易集团内,核心国家间的贸易依赖存在着非对称性,能源需求国进口来源的多元化现象更为突出,东亚、东南亚市场是供给国共同争夺的对象。  相似文献   
The intertidal serrated wrack, Fucus serratus L. (Fucales: Phaeophyceae), has become an abundant canopy-forming alga along a ca. 100 km stretch of shore in southwestern Iceland in the last century. Its distribution has not changed noticeably since a survey in 1975/1976. Many experimental studies have shown that canopy-forming algae can have profound effects on the community structure. Although such experiments involving F. serratus are few it was decided to test predictions from these experiments on a geographical scale by comparing community compositions within the area where F. serratus is a dominant algae (since at least 1975/1976) with an adjacent area of similar size where F. serratus is absent (with a single exception without consequences). The work is based on measurements on some 372 stations in the F. serratus area, termed region A, and 227 stations from the F. serratus-free area, termed region B. Percentage cover of algae and sessile invertebrates was estimated on 2 m2 on each station and animals collected from 800 cm2 from each station. The vertical distribution of F. serratus was most similar to that of Fucus distichus and the two species often grew intermingled on the lower part of the shore. F. serratus appeared to have reduced the cover of F. distichus in the lowermost part of the shore, while having little or no effect on other canopy-forming species. The low abundance of Semibalanus balanoides in the F. serratus area (region A) is in line with experiments showing detrimental effect on this barnacle by whiplash of F. serratus. In general algal grazers were more abundant in region A, consistent with the greater attractiveness of F. serratus than other canopy-forming species to grazers, although this may be partly explained by the abundance of understorey algae in region A.  相似文献   
计算机地图制图课程的教学多数采用传统的知识驱动式教学法,该教学法的特点是先理论后实践.理论讲授比重较大。在计算机地图制图单纯使用“案例教学法”或“任务驱动教学法”都存在不足。笔者将二者相结合,设计了“案例引导的任务驱动教学法”,以案例为模板,以任务为目标,有效地激发了学生的积极性,使其较好地掌握计算机地图制图的知识和技术。  相似文献   
文章在全国比较优势格局中,对河南省的经济发展进行横向和纵向的比较研究:河南省目前虽然在经济总量上具有一定的优势,但经济竞争力在全国仍处于相对落后的地位,特别是人均水平始终低于全国的人均水平。根据河南省经济竞争力的变动轨迹,提出了河南省经济竞争力比较优势偏离、非国有经济发展不足、人口众多与人力资源相对不足的矛盾等主要影响因素。  相似文献   
中原城市群竞合关系及一体化战略研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
文章探讨了中原城市群发展的关键问题及一体化中的竞合关系,以此为出发点,着重研究了郑洛工业走廊、郑汴一体化和郑州跨黄河发展等问题,提出了实现中原城市群一体化的战略措施和对策。  相似文献   
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